Top News Photos: Presiden
Rusia kelihatan sangat bersemangat untuk menggambarkan dirinya sebagai gambar
sangat kejantanan dan telah dikemukakan dalam beberapa situasi pelik. Dari judo
gusti dengan pelajar untuk menunggang kosong-chested pada kuda - di sini adalah
lelaki macho Putin pada yang terbaik. 'Just chillin 'dengan kuda
saya' Presiden Vladimir Putin cuba untuk kelihatan seperti sejuk yang
mungkin dalam warna, topi koboi dan seluar pertempuran kerana pelana beliau sehingganya
(President Vladimir Putin has had some funny old photoshoots during his
political career, that's for sure. The Russian President seems very eager to
portray himself as the very picture of masculinity and has posed in a number of
bizarre situations. From judo wrestling with a student to riding bare-chested
on a horse - here is macho man Putin at his best. 'Just chillin' with my
horse' President Vladimir Putin tries to look as cool as possible in
shades, cowboy hat and combat trousers as he saddles up (Sipa Press/Rex
Features) - think IN pictures @1WORLDCommunity)
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